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Will multiple catastrophes impact costs?
Will there be a spike in costs as a result of imbalances between demand and supply?
Willis Towers Watson and e2Value to collect unique characteristics that property insurers use to determine replacement cost
The Structure Insurance Score measures risk inherent to a property insurer based on several unique characteristics of a home or building — ones typically outside traditional rating characteristics.
Replacement cost versus newly-built homes
Even a newly-built home’s replacement cost will normally be higher right after it has been completed. There are many reasons for this.
An apple, an orange and a flea market
The two values—market value and the replacement cost—are not the same value. Just because a home can be purchased for a specific price doesn’t mean that it can be rebuilt for that same cost.
Framing lumber availability decreasing
In a recent NAHB survey an increasing number of builders reported shortages of framing lumber.
Hail loss claims have increased
While the number of hail storms and the number of claims vary year to year, from 2014-2016 the cost of the claims has been increasing.
Construction material and labor costs still rising
Material costs for construction have been rising at a faster pace recently.
2017 Hurricane Season Forecasts
NOAA predicts a greater chance of an above normal 2017 hurricane season.
Underinsurance Solution: Pronto [Video]
Too many homeowners report underinsurance. Why? Part of the issue could be outdated valuation methods.
Lessons Learned for Correct ITV [Video]
After 17 years helping our customers, we’ve learned some lessons about what they expect.
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