(203) 975-7990 info@e2value.com
Happy Thanksgiving, Canada

Happy Thanksgiving, Canada

Since 1957 Canadian Thanksgiving has been observed on the second Monday in October. This year it will be celebrated on October 9, 2023. While its origins are in giving thanks for a good harvest, there have been other reasons for this celebration, including the safe...

Happy Labor Day 2023

Labor Day 2023 is on Monday, September 4. It is a federal holiday to celebrate American workers and “to recognize the many contributions workers have made to America’s strength, prosperity, and well-being,” according to the U.S. Department of Labor. It was...

High Net Worth Clients and Homeowners Insurance

e2Value provides web-based property valuation solutions so that our clients can determine Insurance-to-Value (ITV). That is the amount necessary to replace the structure at the time of an actual claim. We are pleased that Skip Coan, senior vice president of e2Value,...

Memorial Day 2023

Memorial Day 2023 will be observed on Monday, May 29. It is a federal holiday held on the last Monday in May each year. Memorial Day honors American military personnel who died in all wars. Originally called Decoration Day because flowers and decorations were placed...