(203) 975-7990 info@e2value.com

Stop by the 120th anniversary NAMIC conference!

The 120th annual National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies Convention is upon us, and we here at e2value are excited to give back to the insurance world and help sponsor the event. Coming to the convention is a great opportunity to network with your...

The upside of downsides in cycling

The pursuit of excellence is fraught with ups and downs. Whether you're perfecting an innovative home insurance calculator or attempting to finish a long bike race, there can be challenges and unexpected rewards.We asked e2Value cycling team member Baris...

An interview with e2Value cyclist Baris Aytan

On this blog, we recently introduced the e2Value cycling team. Our riders' commitment to leadership and the love of racing inspires us every day, and represents an important facet of our values. We recently chatted with Baris Aytan, one of our cyclists who...