About this webinar: The value of data in risk selection and portfolio management is well understood, but with so much choice it can be hard to tell which data really drives an understanding of the risk. Small but significant factors that can be hard to spot but can materially impact the loss potential and cost. Large issues may be obvious, but how well defined are they?
Matthew Grant, InsTech London partner, will be talking to three CEOs and founders of successful businesses delivering data and analytics to leading insurance organisations in the US and UK: Todd Rissel of e2Value, Bob Frady of Hazard Hub and Mark Varley of Addresscloud. We’ll be learning what it takes to stand out amongst the crowd in today’s world of open-source data and sophisticated analytics, talking to our guests and answering your questions. Brought to you with the support of e2Value.
For information and to sign up for this webinar, go to Elephant Hunting & Mouse Safaris