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What’s Wrong with Using Averages?

What’s Wrong with Using Averages?

Part 1: Ice Blocks and Hot Coals Let’s talk about averages. We are often asked “What are the average costs per square foot in [fill in the blank]?” Our answer is to use this illustration of average: If you stand with one foot on an ice block and one foot on a bed of...

Daylight Saving Time Starts March 12, 2023

It’s time to “spring ahead” again! Daylight Saving Time starts March 12, 2023. That means we set our clocks one hour ahead. The actual time change occurs at 2:00 A.M. However, many people change their clocks and other devices that display the time before they go...

Winter Advice from Our Archives

Although many of us are looking forward to Spring, perhaps even ignoring the remaining days (weeks?) of winter, the cold ice and snow are still with us. We’ve pulled the best of winter-related articles from our archives to give you something to read until the...

Presidents’ Day 2023

Presidents’ Day is Monday, February 20, 2023. It is a federal holiday and is observed on the third Monday in February. Officially this holiday is called Washington’s Birthday. The 1968 Uniform Monday Holiday Act included celebrating Abraham Lincoln during this holiday...

Todd Rissel Presented with 1000 Fans Award

InsTech has awarded Todd Rissel the 1000 Fans Award for the podcast “Product Launch 2.0 – smart tech, simple solutions.” The award is given for podcast episodes with over 1,000 downloads. During the podcast Todd Rissel said, “Most people that work at e2value have a...