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March 9, 2025, is the start of Daylight Saving Time, when most of the US moves their clocks ahead by one hour. This allows more daylight in the evenings from March until November 2, when DST ends. The reasoning was that people could be more active in the evenings since there was more sunlight in the evenings.

Two states do not observe DST: Hawaii and Arizona. Around 70 countries observe DST. However, the start and ending times vary, and those in the southern hemisphere observe it from September/October to April.

Whether it is Standard Time or Daylight Saving Time the e2Value estimator tools are designed to handle homes of all types. Whether you are looking for valuations for high-value homes, Mainstreet® homes, condos, co-ops, commercial properties, manufactured homes, log cabins, or farms and ranches, our patented estimator can quickly calculate the cost of replacing a residential, commercial or farm structure and provide you with a fast, cost-effective and accurate replacement cost valuation. Contact us for more information.