by Admin | May 31, 2019 | Insurance
We’re hearing a lot about AI, but what about the critical building blocks, the algorithms, that insurers are starting to rely on to make decisions in underwriting and claims assessment without human intervention? Is the industry ready to delegate underwriting to...
by Admin | Feb 7, 2019 | Insurance, Residential
Here is a story about Sam and Sally, who are twins and homeowners living near each other but with very different homes. Let’s compare the replacement costs for their homes by the old-fashioned multiplier versus the economic goods approach, which uses patented,...
by Admin | Jan 4, 2019 | Insurance, Natural Disasters
After a disaster, there are advantages to rebuilding to higher standards that might decrease the likelihood of a repeat of the damage caused by the disaster, whether it was a wildfire, flooding, hurricane or another event. However, municipalities are often reluctant...
by Admin | Nov 21, 2018 | General Information, Insurance
Accurate data about properties’ locations, construction type, fire-resistance and replacement cost, along with other detailed data, is necessary to provide a complete picture of risk for insurers and reinsurers. The ability to quickly access and transmit this data...
by Admin | Oct 25, 2018 | Insurance, Residential
In a presentation at the Intelligent InsurTECH Europe 2018 conference in London on October 15, Todd Rissel, chief executive officer of e2Value, described how filtering characteristics through the e2Value process can help insurers more accurately identify the exposure...
by Admin | Oct 12, 2018 | Insurance
Todd Rissel, chief executive officer, e2Value, will be speaking at Intelligent InsurTECH Europe, October 15, in London. At the event they will be discussing how to leverage emerging technologies like AI, IoT and Blockchain, to drive operational efficiency and...