by Admin | Nov 15, 2018 | General Information, Natural Disasters
Here is a message from our friends at United Policyholders requesting your help to send staff and volunteers to Paradise and Ventura to help in the wake of the wildfires. From United Policyholders: Help us be there for Camp and Woolsey Fire Survivors in their time of...
by Admin | Oct 22, 2018 | General Information, Natural Disasters
We would like to preface this article by stressing that it is extremely important to properly estimate the replacement cost of your home when purchasing a policy and again on a regular basis thereafter. In the aftermath of natural disasters there is often a concern...
by Admin | Aug 22, 2018 | General Information, Residential
As the availability of skilled construction labor continues to be constricted, builders have been looking at other options to reduce the need for this labor. Now manufactured, modular, kit, panelized, tiny homes and other construction types can help with the shortages...
by Admin | Aug 15, 2018 | General Information, Residential
Between hail storms in Colorado, flooding in the east, wildfires in the west and scattered tornados, there hasn’t been much good news around weather except for the scarcity of damaging hurricanes this year—although the peak of the hurricane season won’t start until...
by Admin | Jun 22, 2018 | General Information, Insurance
Todd Rissel, chief executive officer, e2Value, will be speaking at the 5th Annual Insurance AI and Analytics USA, June 27 – 28, 2018, Chicago, IL. For more information, see the show...
by Admin | Jun 11, 2018 | Commercial, General Information
Skyscrapers are the iconic structure of cities and we like them. (We’ve even included several in our logo.) Many people only think about them when a new, record-setting one is built. However, there are many other changes worthy of note: Super skinny high rises that...