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For homeowners in hurricane-prone areas of the country, 2015 may prove to be a sleepy year on the Eastern front. According to USA Today, experts predict a less active than average year for activity on the East Coast. While those predictions are encouraging, it's important for homeowners to continue preparing for the worst. 

The last major hurricane to hit the United States was Hurricane Wilma in 2005, according to Jason Samenow of The Washington Post. That marks almost a decade of quieter hurricane seasons, where storms have caused damage but not on the scale of a major event. However, according to Klotzbach, "inactive" years can lead to surprise destruction if homeowners are caught off guard. According to Phil Klotzbach, a research scientist at Colorado State University, historical precedent show preparedness is always critical. 

"Klotzbach and other hurricane forecasters stress a forecast for an inactive season does not reduce the need for preparedness," reports the Post. "In the 'inactive' 1992, which produced just 7 named storms, Hurricane Andrew devastated South Florida."

One of the most important financial steps homeowners can take to prepare for a hurricane is to update their property valuation. If updates or changes have been made to a home since its last valuation, the replacement value might not reflect the actual cost of restoring or rebuilding a damaged structure. Reviewing and updating policies annually or as needed can help ensure that the correct amount of coverage is available when property is damaged. 

At e2Value, our property valuation calculator provides accurate and consistent figures to professionals in the insurance industry. This allows them to help prepare their clients with policies that reflect the most up-to-date valuation of their homes. Contact us today to learn more about our services.